The original version that saw action through-out the 1999 and four events into 2000. The only visual difference I have noticed is very small change in bonnet air extraction vent. In this original model it is quite open, only front has some one-third covered by small lip (pic 1).
First evolution and is outwardly almost identical to 206WRC. The only difference to original is extended lip over bonnet air vent, now it covers two-thirds and is noticeably higher (pic 2). I apologise for poor pictures, this is such a subtle difference that I simply don't have better ones.
Improved engine bay air circulation is reflected on bonnet, air ducting vents are completely new and very different from previous models (pic 3). Air intakes just front of windscreen have been removed and air extraction vent has been split into two separate, mesh covered vents with single intake vent in between.
2002 version has two features to help identification.
Bonnet Engine bay air circulation is changed again. Of the three vents on 2001 version, middle one is deleted and instead two auxiliary vents are added to the sides at rear of the bonnet (pic 4).
Rear wing Rear wing (pic 5) is distinctly different with vertical fins aimed to keep air-flow in check even at higher angles of attack (ie. when car is sliding sideways).
First version of Peugeot 307WRC fought troubled campaign in 2004. Visible fifferences to Evo2 version are in front bumper and rear wing (pics 6 and 7).
Front bumper Air intake has been enlarged by deleting the horizontal bar and rounding off the edges (pic 8).
Rear wing New design of the rear wing is bigger and more angular in shape plus it has vertical fins like those in 206WRC 2002 (pic 9).
Pic 1: 206WRC bonnet
Pic 2: 206WRC 2000 bonnet
Pic 3: 206WRC 2001 bonnet
Pic 4: 206WRC 2002 bonnet
Pic 5: 206WRC 2002 rear wing
Pic 6: 307WRC original bumper
Pic 7: 307WRC original rear wing
Pic 8: 307WRC Evo 2 bumper
Pic 9: 307WRC Evo 2 rear wing