Philippe Joubin continues to write, the other text is credited simply to l'Equipe magazine, photography supplied by DPPI. It seems like official connection has been abandoned, though it affects the book little - or not at all.
As thin as ever.
Record: Loeb, 28 victories
28 pictures, Loeb in each and one for each of his wins.
Christian Loriaux: "A Human History!"
In four page Q&A-style interview Ford chief engineer talks about long-awaited title, Loeb's supremacy, future developments on Focus and such.
Teams and Drivers
Teams and driver info. Interestingly, translator missed the Matthew Wilson's name which in original French text has been 'Matthieu' and remains so in English version as well.
Production Championship
One-page summary of the PWRC season.
Junior Championship
One-page summary of the JWRC season.
Kronos, an Up and Down Season
Oddity of the 2006 season, semi-factory team effort of Kronos backed by Citroen. This article tells interesting bits about the operation that only French journalists can know.
Foreword by Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena..4
Analysis.....................................8 Record: Loeb, 28 victories..................16 Christian Loriaux: "A Human History!".......18 Teams and Drivers...........................22 Production Championship.....................39 Junior Championship.........................40 Kronos, an Up and Down Season...............41
Monte Carlo.................................46 Sweden......................................54 Mexico......................................62 Catalunya...................................70 Corsica.....................................78 Argentina...................................86 Sardinia....................................94 Acropolis..................................102 Deutschland................................110 Finland....................................118 Japan......................................126 Cyprus.....................................134 Turkey.....................................142 Australia..................................150 New Zealand................................158 Great Britain..............................166
The 2006 FIA World Rally Championships.....174 Statistics.................................176
Published in Switzerland (2006) by Chronosports
176 pages ISBN: 2-84707-114-8