Mouton, Michele (FR) | 5 | (45.5% of contested events) |
Mikkola, Hannu (FI) | 4 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Salonen, Timo (FI) | 4 | (57.1% of contested events) |
Blomqvist, Stig (SE) | 3 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Coppier, Alain (FR) | 3 | (60.0% of contested events) |
Dorche, Christian (FR) | 3 | (75.0% of contested events) |
Kojimoto, Juichi (JP) | 3 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Therier, Jean-Luc (FR) | 3 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Toivonen, Henri (FI) | 3 | (60.0% of contested events) |
Vatanen, Ari (FI) | 3 | (42.9% of contested events) |
'Anders', (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andervang, Stig (SE) | 2 | (66.7% of contested events) |
Dongues, (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dubois, (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Eklund, Per (SE) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Frequelin, Guy (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gleizes, Jacques (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hogstrom, Lars (SE) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laine, Antero (FI) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lord, Christopher (GB) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Perrier, Dominique (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ragnotti, Jean (FR) | 2 | (66.7% of contested events) |
Raous, Roger (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tabatoni, Olivier (FR) | 2 | (66.7% of contested events) |
Toivonen, Harri (FI) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vudafieri, Adartico (IT) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Waldegard, Bjorn (SE) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Yvorra, Richard (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Aaltonen, Rauno (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Aavikko, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Agostini, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Aimar, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Aitken, Louise (GB) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Albertini, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Albertini, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alerini, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Allport, Neil (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alonso, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Altzana, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alvarez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andreucci, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andreucci, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andruet, Jean-Claude (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Appietto, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Arena, I. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Argenti, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Armadans, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Atencio, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Atkinson, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Azan, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Balas, Bertrand (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Balerio Frias, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ballet, Jean-Pierre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Barbazat, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Barcelo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Barry, Redmond (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bartoli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bartoli, Camille (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Basso, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bassoul, F. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bauer, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Beguin, Bernard (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Benety, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Benitez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Berbel, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bernard, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bernardet, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bernardini, Patrick (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Berthuel, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bescham, Jorge (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Biagini, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Blanc, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Blanchi, C. (MC) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Blomqvist, Jan (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bolshih, Nikolai (SU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bondrille, Jean (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Borges, Jose Pedro (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bortoni, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bouffier, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bouvet, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Brillat, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Briy, Jacques (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Bruck, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Brundza, Stasis (SU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Budo, Vital (BE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Busto, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cabaniols, Henri (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Calvino, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Campana, C.J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cancelo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Canot, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Canrelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Caputo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carducci, J-P (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carlotti, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carlsson, Ingvar (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Casabianca, A. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Casabianca, J. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Catellaggi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cauchi, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ceccaldi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cerutti, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chaluleu, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Charbonneaux, Herve (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chatriot, Francois (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chauche, Francois (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chevalier, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chevalier, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chiaravita, Christian (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chiavarolle, Eduardo (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chiesa, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chomat, Maurice (FR) | 1 | (25.0% of contested events) |
Choteau, Adolphe (CI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ciapessoni, (UY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Clement, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Clergue, B. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Collinge, Robert (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Collins, Phil (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Colonna, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Colonna, J-L (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Craglia, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cristiani, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Criticos, Basil (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cucchi, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cuello, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cygan, Wieslaw (PL) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dagat, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dbozon, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
de Castelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
de Fresquet, Elizabeth (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
de Peretti, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Defour, Rene (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Demogue, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Deslandes, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
di Palma, Ruben Luis (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dorel, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
du Castel, Xavier (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dubert, Jacques (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Duez, Marc (BE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Dunham, Ian (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Duranti, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Durieu, Jacques (CI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dussert, Christian (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ekroos, Carita (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Elford, Vic (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ellinghaus, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ericsson, Mikael (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Escartefigue, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Espino, J-L (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Eveson, Charles (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fazi, Pierre F. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Feitler, Romain (LU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fenoglio, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fielding, Geoff (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fiori, G. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fischer, Georg (AT) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Fogagnolo, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Forconi, J-M (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fossa, Jacques (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Francois, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Frecha, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fredriksson, Goran (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Frigo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fritzinger, Klaus (DE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Gardere, Paul (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Garrel, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gauclere, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gayanigo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gayet, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Geitel, Peter (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Gentile, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gentot, Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Georges, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Giacomoni, C. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gill, John (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Giubar, (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Giudicelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gobert, Philippe (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Golding, Charles (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gongora, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gouleret, J-C (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Grillerer, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Grimaud, Roger (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Guerrero, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Guyot, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Haaramo, Heikki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Haase, Francois (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hamalainen, Juha (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hameenniemi, Raimo (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Hancock, Roger (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Harrach, Ernst (AT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Harrison, Ian (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Heinonen, Arvo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Heinonen, Timo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Heitzler, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hery, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hill, George (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hillaire, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hoch, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hockly, Harry (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hokkanen, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Holland, Ray (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Honkanen, Tuomo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Huillier, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Huusari, Ari-Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hynynen, Topi (US) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ilien, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Immonen, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Isa, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Istria, J-P (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Iwashita, Yoshio (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
James, Andrew (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Johansson, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Jonsson, Mats (SE) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Jordache, Michael (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Julienne, Remy (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Jurjo, G. (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Juve Raventos, Josep (ES) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kaby, Terry (GB) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Kallio, Jouko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kanao, Kosho (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kankkunen, Juha (FI) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Karkkulainen, Jyrki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kawahari, Masaaki (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kiefer, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kinnari, Esko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kinnunen, Jouni (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kirkland, Mike (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Knudtzen, Wenche (NO) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kohtaniemi, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kononen, Erkki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Koponen, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Korhonen, Martti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Koskinen, Esa (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kuipers, Joop (NL) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kukkonen, Veli (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kuusisto, Risto (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laakso, Kari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laakso, Pertti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laaksonen, Pentti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Labrot, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Labrot, Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lacombe, B. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lahdemaki, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laine, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laine, Tarmo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lamperti, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lampi, Lasse (FI) | 1 | (25.0% of contested events) |
Lancia, V. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Landaburu, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lapsley, Howard (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lartigue, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leandri, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leca, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leca, Jean-Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lecointe, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leguy, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lindstrom, Petteri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Linhola, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Loubet, Yves (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Luce, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Luchessi, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lunel, C. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Luoto, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lymi, Mauri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maenpaa, Jari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maggi, Jorge (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maglione, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Makela, Kauko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Makynen, Jussi (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mallinen, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Manzagol, Jean-Pierre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Marchini, Jean (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Marmoy, G. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Marshall, George (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Martinetti, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Martini, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Masalin, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Massa, (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mastrogiovanni, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mattila, Raimo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maurel, Bernard (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mayorga, Francisco (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mehta, Shekhar (KE) | 1 | (25.0% of contested events) |
Mendes, Santinho (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mertasalmi, Olli (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Meucci, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Michelosi, A.M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Miikkulainen, Antero (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moisson, Pascal (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moreau, Pierre-Louis (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moroni, Alejandro (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Morton, John (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moschous, George (GR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Munari, Sandro (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Munoz, Ricardo (ES) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Murroni, Michel (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Mustonen, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Neri, Michel (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Newby, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nielsen, Jens (DK) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Niemi, Raimo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nigoul, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nikkara, Mari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nokipii, Mikko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nordstrom, Gunnar (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nottin, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nove, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nurmi, Pentti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nyman, Markku (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Odriozola, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ohba, Seisuke (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ojala, Heikki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Olsson, Sten (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Opas, Ilari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ormezzano, Federico (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Oteiza, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pagani, Pierre (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Pahkinen, Erkki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Palmby, David (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Palmroos, Henri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pantalacci, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Paresi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Parkkinen, Sinikka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Parkkonen, Reino (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Peacock, Alan (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pennanen, Kauko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pentecoste, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Peretti, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Piassa, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pinelli, Jean-Laurent (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pirila, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Piron, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Porkama, Pertti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Poysti, Jouko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Preston Jr, Vic (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pretin, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Price, John (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pruneta, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pulliainen, Kari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Raies, Gabriel (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rantala, Jukka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Raspaud, Jacques (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Regottaz, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Reyna, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Richard, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Richelmi, Jean-Pierre (MC) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Riivari, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ringenbach, Pierre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rives, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Roche, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rodrigues, Antonio (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rojo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Roper, Chris (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Roux, Philippe (CH) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Royer, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rutanen, Veijo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Saarinen, Jouko (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Salgada Nash, Juan Carlos Jose (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Salino, Jacques (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Salio, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Salomaki, Jukka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sandstrom, Roger (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Santangelo, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Santini, (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Satoh, (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sau, Gilbert (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Savolainen, Kari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Scemama, Michel (CH) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Secondi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sehnaoui, Maurice (LB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Senior, Dean (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Seriat-Gautier, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Serpaggi, Francis (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Sewell, Robert (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sillankorva, Mika (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Simac, R. (??) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Simoni, J-P (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sodini, D. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sogaard, Jens (NO) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Soininen, Erkki (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sol, Nicole (BE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Soriano, Jean-Marie (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Spencer, Clifford (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Spiliotis, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Stewart, Geoffrey (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Strom, Ole (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Stromberg, Ola (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Stuart, Michael (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sutherland, Alistair (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tabaton, Fabrizio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tahko, Teemu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Teesdale, Tony (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Teitto, Reijo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Theoleyre, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Thomas, Patrick (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Thompson, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Thoreau, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Thuriot, Xavier (FR) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Tichadou, Jean-Michel (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tognana, Antonio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tomei, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Toncelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tormala, Jukka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torph, Lars-Erik (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Torras, Miguel (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torre, Jean-Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torres, Carlos (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tosello, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Touren, Philippe (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Truchet, Alain (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tubal, Miguel (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tukiainen, Simo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tundo, Frank (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tuominen, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ucelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Uotila, Harri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vaataja, Markku (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Valentine, Colin (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Valtaharju, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
van Dijk, Tycho (NL) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Velazquez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vial, Jean-Louis (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Viejobueno, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Virtanen, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vold-Johanssen, Leif (NO) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vukovich, Sergej (SU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vuorio, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wambergue, Philippe (FR) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Weatherley, John (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Webster, Myra (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Weidner, Darryl (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wennerstand, Roger (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Westermarck, Joel (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wilenius, Erik (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Williams, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Williams, David (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Woodner, Jon (US) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wrzecian, Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Yunpuu, Vello (SU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Yver, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Zanchetta, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Zanussi, Andrea (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Zorba, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |