If you enjoy this site, please help it survive and grow.
Funds for survival
I run this site as a hobby, without advertising revenue and yet it costs me money every month. Currently expenses are low as site is small and relatively unknown. If it grows and gains popularity, both disc space and bandwidth requirements will increase and hence, the cost. I know that there are free hosting available but those usually add their own advertising to the site and generally are a risk and unnecessary hassle. Quality of service from commercial service provider is a reason why I choose to pay. If you wish to donate or have an commercial arrangement, please do contact me.
Information for growth
This site contains much information and new data is continuously added as time passes and WRC grows. Most of the information comes from sources that I can access freely but there is much that goes unnoticed. Could you help me? There are two areas where help is especially appreciated, pictures of drivers and old result information (pre-1997). If you have either, please get in touch with me.
My contact information is at about this site section.
I would like to extend my thanks to the following people for their help with (listed alphabetically).
Jack and Stu Andersson (UK) for information about 1979 RAC results. Joao Costa (PT) for his tireless work on Rally Portugal information. Bruno Ducoffre (BE) for stage winner info on many 1970s rallies. Randy Graves (USA) for rare 1973 PoR data plus interesting discussion about the event and his own entry there. Ferran Ferrero Escude (ES) for 1990's Catalunya results. Jiri Hejcl (CZ) for very rare 1973 Polish Rally information, among the other information he has found for me. Maui J. (NZ) for his contribution with Rally New Zealand information. Keith Lay (UK) for 1975 and 1976 RAC schedules and some stage times. Ginge Little (UK) for allowing me to use some of his photos from 1985 RAC Rally. Janusz Szymanek (PL) for help with Polish names, results of Polish rally drivers and supplying me some wonderful photos. Doug Woods (CA) for information about Rideau Lakes Rally and interview for his profile page. Everyone else who've contacted me with information, tips, appreciation and encouragement.
Additionally, I would like to express my special thanks to a fellow webmaster Tjeerd van der Zee of rally results site Rallybase (see address at links), with whom I have had a pleasure of exchanging results information and opinions over the years.
Special thanks to Reinhard Klein and his Slowly Sideways historic rally car "group of friends" (in their own words, it's not a club) for providing great pictures on old rally cars. Also see Slowly Sideways home page and image gallery (note that home page has text first in German and then in English if you scroll down, image gallery has a separate link on the left for each event galleries).