Active components Components that change their behavious according to certain parameters as opposed to passive components. This dynamic adaptation is automatic and takes place while car is running in a stage. Examples of active components are suspension or differentials.
Aerodynamics A branch of dynamics that deals with the forces acting on bodies in motion relative to air. For example, car travelling at high speed through mass of air has what is called drag. Drag is dependent on various factors and aim of aerodynamics is to reduce it as well as get downforce as close to ideal as possible.
ALS Anti-lag system, also known as bang-bang (especially by non-english drivers). Technology in which fuel is burnt partially in exhaust manifold (instead of cylinder) to keep turbo-charger blades spinning during non-acceleration (like gear-shifts or quick brakings). Aim is to reduce turbo-lag and maintain constant power.
Anti-roll bar A bar linking suspension parts which can be adjusted to alter handling characteristics and prevent excessive chassis roll. Traditionally passive but active versions have begun to appear.
Apex In any form of motorsports it is important to carry as much speed through corner as possible. To accomplish this, driver approaches a right-hand corner on the extreme left side of the road, turns in trying to come close to the right side of the road at apex until exiting bend and returning back to the left side of the road. See also cutting.
Appendix J This famous appendix to the FIA International Sporting Code defines technical regulations for the sport. It is the official bible for the team engineers and covers all FIA championships except Formula One, stating the limits of allowed modifications to a car.
Atmospheric engine Any engine that uses atmospheric pressure, as opposed to turbo-charging. For example, Kit Cars use atmospheric engines.