Mikkola, Hannu (FI) | 6 | (54.5% of contested events) |
Cowan, Andrew (GB) | 4 | (80.0% of contested events) |
Salonen, Timo (FI) | 4 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Airikkala, Pentti (FI) | 3 | (75.0% of contested events) |
Alen, Markku (FI) | 3 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Bettega, Attilio (IT) | 3 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Darniche, Bernard (FR) | 3 | (75.0% of contested events) |
Kallstrom, Harry (SE) | 3 | (75.0% of contested events) |
Kullang, Anders (SE) | 3 | (42.9% of contested events) |
Therier, Jean-Luc (FR) | 3 | (75.0% of contested events) |
Vatanen, Ari (FI) | 3 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Waldegard, Bjorn (SE) | 3 | (33.3% of contested events) |
'Ray', (MC) | 2 | (40.0% of contested events) |
Asterhag, Leif (SE) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carlsson, Ingvar (SE) | 2 | (40.0% of contested events) |
Danielsson, Bror (SE) | 2 | (66.7% of contested events) |
Dawson, Andy (GB) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Eklund, Per (SE) | 2 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Frequelin, Guy (FR) | 2 | (40.0% of contested events) |
Groblewski, Wlodzimierz (PL) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Grundel, Karl (SE) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kleint, Jochi (DE) | 2 | (40.0% of contested events) |
Laine, Antero (FI) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maglione, Horacio (AR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Makinen, Timo (FI) | 2 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Mehta, Shekhar (KE) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Serpaggi, Francis (FR) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Stromberg, Ola (SE) | 2 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Toivonen, Henri (FI) | 2 | (50.0% of contested events) |
'Imra', (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
'Panic', (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
'Tvchoi', (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Abella Nazar, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Aho, Kalevi (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Aitken, Louise (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ala-Lahti, Jorma (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alamaula, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alberti, Charles (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Alerini, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Allegrini, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andersson, Bo (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andersson, Ove (SE) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Andreucci, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Andruet, Jean-Claude (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Antona, J.P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Antonetti, J.A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Appietto, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Arbant, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Arena, I. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Armstrong, Hugh (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Atencio, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Balesi, Claude (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Balesi, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ballet, Jean-Pierre (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Barbe, Christian (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Baroni, Pierre-Cesar (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bassoul, F. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Beauchef, Alain (LU) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Beguin, Bernard (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Behety, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Belliti, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Benazzo, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Benza, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bertolucci, L. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bertran, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Beviacqua, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Biasion, Massimo (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Biolzi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bizzari, Marie France (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Blomqvist, Stig (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Bondil, Francis (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bondrille, Jean (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bonnet, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Borjesson, Ruben (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Bornea, J.B. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bouzat, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Breard, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Brise, Tim (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Bruno, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Buffum, John (US) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Buigas, Antonio (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cafissi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Calore, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Calzarelli, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Camon, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Campana, C.J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Campanelli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Campina, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Campra, Antonio (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cane, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cano, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carlotti, Xavier (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Carlsson, Per (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Carotta, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Carret, D. (??) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Casadei, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Castren, Ilkka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cavicchi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cavini, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Cerrato, Dario (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Chauche, Francois (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Ciecierzynski, Tomasz (PL) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Clark, Roger (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Clarr, Jean-Louis (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Colonna, J-L (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Colsoul, Guy (BE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Conti, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Corio, Angelo (IT) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
de Castelli, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
de Filippi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
de Peretti, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
del Campo, Gerardo (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Deledda, Santo (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Deriu, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Diba, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Donald, Jim (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Dorche, Christian (FR) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Dorel, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Elena, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Elichirigoity, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ercolani, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Etchegoyen, Luis (UY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fabiani, J.F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fantino, G. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fassina, Antonio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fazi, Pierre F. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Feibelman, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ferm, Pentti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fernandez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ferraris, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ferraro, Pasquale (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fischer, Georg (AT) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Fischer, Thomas (DD) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Flori, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Fontaine, B. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Francis, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gaiotto, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Galdos, (PY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Galetto, (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Garcia Dietze, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Garibaldi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Garro, Carlos (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gaud, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gayol, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gerbino, (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Giamberardino, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Girola, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gonzalez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Greder, Henri (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Grisoni, D. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Guerrero, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Guidicelli, N. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Gusciani, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Habani, C. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Habani, D. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hagman, Jan (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Hall, Rod (US) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hannukainen, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Harrington, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hartikka, Reijo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Helmiger, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hietala, Harri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hiltunen, Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Honrath, Horst (DE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Hughes, Ian (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hugot, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Hume, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Jackson, Michael (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Jauregui, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Joaniquet, R. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Johansson, Bjorn (SE) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Jonsson, Lasse (SE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Kaby, Terry (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kekalainen, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Kirkland, Mike (KE) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Kolhonen, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Koponen, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Korpi, Marja-Liisa (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Lambardi, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lamirault, Olivier (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Lampi, Lasse (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Lassila, Tapio (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lauhaluoma, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laur, H. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Laurent, Dominique (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leandri, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leca, C. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lefebvre, Jean-Claude (FR) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Leonetti, J.L. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leude, J.P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Levalle, (PY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Leymarie, Francis (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lousteau, Thierry (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Luc, Jean-Paul (FR) | 1 | (25.0% of contested events) |
Lugrezi, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Lyons, John (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maglione Caseres, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Makela, Kauko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Malacarne, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Manzagol, Jean-Pierre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Marchini, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Margelli, J.F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Markouizos, Anastasios (GR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Martinetti, Jean-Charles (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Martinetti, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Martini, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mascia, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Maurel, Bernard (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Mayorga, Francisco (AR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
McRae, Jimmy (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mediavilla, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Melin, Kjell (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Melotto, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mesnager, D. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Michelosi, A.M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Millon, Charles (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Mitchell, Alan (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Mitri, Michel (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moreau, Pierre-Louis (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Morga, (PY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moskovski, Viktor (SU) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Moutinho, Joaquim (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Murland, Shane (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nasanen, Raimo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nathan, Jurgen (DE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Navarro, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nensen, Kurt (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Noceto, M. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nokipii, Mikko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Noor, Mohamed (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Nyman, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Oddo, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Oddoux, William (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Oliveira, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Paalanen, Kari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pallanca, Jean (MC) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Palmius, Billy (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Paoletti, A. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pavone, (CL) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pennanen, Kauko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Persson, Ingemar (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Piazza, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Picone, Bernard (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pihlas, Kari-Matti (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pittaluga, M. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Pond, Tony (GB) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Pregliasco, Mauro (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Queiroz Pereira, Manuel (PT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rabissoni, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ragnotti, Jean (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rahkonen, Hannu (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Raies, Gabriel (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rantakari, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ratto, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ravaioli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rebuli, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Recalde, Jorge (AR) | 1 | (20.0% of contested events) |
Reijola, Jari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Renucci, J.P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Renucci, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Reyna, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ricci, Lorenzo (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rikkonen, Mikko (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rodriguez, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rondinone, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ropo, Juhani (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rossi, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rostagni, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rougier, H. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Royer, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Rozhukas, Villi (LT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sacchi, C. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Salaberry, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Santillana, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sassone, Giorgio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sauze, (PY) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Savoie, J.P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Schanche, Martin (NO) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Schligler, Fernand (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Schneiter Plini, (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Secchi, P. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Segolen, Andre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sevelius, Hans (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sillankorva, Mika (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Simonetti, Robert (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Smith, Alejandro (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Soto, Ernesto (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Spare, Gustav (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Stawowiak, Maciej (PL) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Stewart, Geoffrey (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Stohl, Rudolf (AT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Sundstrom, Mikael (FI) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Suomela, Seppo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tabaton, Fabrizio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Taibi, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Taibi, Jean (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Teesdale, Tony (NZ) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Teitto, Reijo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Terrazzoni, P. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tichadou, Jean-Michel (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tognana, Antonio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Toivonen, Harri (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Toivonen, Jarmo (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torph, Lars-Erik (SE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torre, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Torres, Carlos (PT) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Toujan, Pierre (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Tubal, Miguel (AR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Turiani, Auguste (MC) | 1 | (33.3% of contested events) |
Uccelli, T. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ullmann, Jorge (BR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Ulyate, Robin (KE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Valentini, F. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
van der Merwe, Sarel (ZA) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vannucci, B. (FR) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Verdier, J. (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Verini, Maurizio (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vilenius, Erik (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vilkas, Jari (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vilpponen, Pekka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Vincent, Francis (FR) | 1 | (50.0% of contested events) |
Vudafieri, Adartico (IT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Warmbold, Achim (DE) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Waser, (??) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wendelius, Jukka (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wikstrom, Olof (FI) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wilson, Malcolm (GB) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Wittman, Franz (AT) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |
Yamauchi, Shinya (JP) | 1 | (100.0% of contested events) |